4 Reasons to Pursue a Career in STEM

Posted on: 14th May, 2024

From the smartphones in our pockets to solar panels generating sustainable energy — the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) are behind many of the groundbreaking innovations shaping our world today.

Singapore’s smart nation initiatives and the ambitious Research Innovation and Enterprise 2025 plan, with its S$25 billion investment in sectors like manufacturing, healthcare, sustainability, and the digital economy, have made STEM fields some of the most dynamic and rapidly expanding industries in Singapore. This is why a career in STEM can be not just promising, but also incredibly rewarding.

1. STEM Jobs Are in High Demand

Globally, the STEM fields are experiencing unprecedented growth, largely driven by advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics, as outlined by the WEF 2023 Future of Jobs Report.

This surge is particularly evident in Singapore, where STEM jobs, careers, and opportunities are on the rise. The government has recently unveiled a renewed national strategy for AI which aims to triple the talent pool to 15,000 as part of measures to meet the demand caused by the surging growth of AI jobs in healthcare, education, security, and other sectors. Singapore is also investing heavily in preventive care to tackle the challenges of an ageing population. This can be seen in initiatives such as the substantial allocation of S$400 million a year towards the Healthier SG programme.

2. Diverse Career Opportunities

In STEM, career opportunities are vast and varied, extending from software, web and multimedia developers to data scientists and registered nurses – the former of which ranked first in Singapore’s top 10 Professionals, Managers, Executives & Technicians (PMET) job vacancies in 2023.

According to the above report by the Ministry of Manpower in Singapore, growth sectors include Information & Communications and Health & Social Services, which saw 15.2 % and 10.4% increase in PMET job vacancies in 2023 respectively. This data demonstrates the various career options available within STEM industries.

3. Influence on the Future

STEM professionals have the opportunity to work in a field where they get to contribute to current innovations and lay the groundwork for future generations. Through various disciplines, they significantly impact our society by driving advancements in technology, healthcare, and environmental solutions, thereby improving quality of life and creating sustainable futures.

Recent years have seen remarkable achievements in STEM fields such as:

4. Job Satisfaction in STEM

Many STEM graduates who go on to work in the field find fulfilling careers. Here are some examples from PSB Academy:

Nick Tan, Bachelor of Biomedical Science, La Trobe University

Nick’s journey from a biomedical science student to a medical technologist at the National University Hospital showcases the ample career opportunities available in STEM. Specialising in infectious diseases and oncology tests, Nick finds a sense of purpose in his daily responsibilities. His story is a testament to the meaningful impact STEM jobs can offer. Read more about Nick’s journey.

Carmen Lim, Bachelor of Science in Cyber Security, Coventry University

Carmen’s rise from a PSB Academy Diploma in InfoComm Technology holder to a cyber security professional underscores the rich opportunities in STEM. After becoming the youngest engineer at Exclusive Networks and discovering a passion for cyber security, she pursued a degree with Coventry University through PSB Academy to upgrade her skillsets. While pursuing her degree, Carmen joined an employer supportive of her educational goals, allowing her to gain practical experience in her chosen field alongside her studies. Her story is a compelling testament to determination, passion, and progression in STEM, inspiring young women to explore and excel in cyber security. Read more about Carmen’s journey.

Educational Requirements for a Career in STEM

Embarking on a STEM career may require a degree because these fields involve complex theories, principles, and practical skills that are best acquired through structured education. Degrees in STEM disciplines provide a comprehensive understanding of scientific and mathematical concepts, ensuring that graduates have the knowledge and skills needed for the challenges of modern industries. This educational foundation is essential for innovation, problem-solving, and contributing effectively to technological advancements and research.

Considering a future in STEM? Visit the upcoming PSB Academy STEM Open House on 1 June 2024, 11am to 5pm at our City Campus in Marina Square to learn more! Visit our STEM Wing and discover the various STEM programmes available at PSB Academy including degrees from overseas partner universities in IT & Computer Science, Life Sciences, Engineering and more.